How to get started with Jira Product Discovery

Learn from one of the product managers who built Jira Product Discovery on how to best get started. By the end of this free session, you will understand how to gather and prioritize product ideas, how to create and share custom roadmaps, and how to connect it all to the delivery work happening in Jira Software.

You can now access the webinar Q&A recap here.

Product management is a hard job. You’re pulled in dozens of different directions, working across just as many tools. You have stakeholders yelling in one ear and customers demanding new features in the other. Each day it can feel like you’re running from one fire to the next, and as a consequence, you’re not able to do the thing that drove you to product management in the first place: building products that users love.

This is why we built Jira Product Discovery, a prioritization and roadmapping tool built for product teams. You deserve a single space, dedicated to your team and your craft, and where you can do you work effectively.

In this webinar you’ll learn:

  • How to gather and prioritize ideas using insights, custom fields, and views
  • How to create and share customizable roadmaps
  • How to connect discovery work to the delivery work happening in Jira Software
  • An intro to PM practices that we've adopted along the way

And much more!

Throughout the webinar you’ll also have access to live Q&A with our team. If you can’t make it, feel free to register and we’ll send you a recording after the session!


Hermance NDounga headshot

Hermance N'Dounga

Product Manager, Jira Product Discovery

Hermance は、チームが効率的に連携するためのコラボレーション ツールのスペシャリストとしてそのキャリアをスタートさせました。6 年前にアトラシアンに入社してからアトラシアンのエンタープライズ チームで実績を積み、シニア ソリューション エンジニアおよびアトラシアン認定エキスパートとして大企業のデジタル変革を支援しました。アトラシアンの製品に関する豊富な経験と顧客ニーズへの理解から、製品管理の道へ進み、現在は Jira Product Discovery のプロダクト マネージャーを務めています。プライベートではアムステルダムの街を自転車で走ったり、雨の日にストラテジー ゲームを楽しんだりしています。